Friday, 19 September 2014

Summer Lake Activities for All Ages

When the temperatures start to soar there’s only one thing left to do – pack up the kids and hit the water! While not everyone lives near the ocean almost everyone has a lake within driving distance. For some people just enjoying the water is enough but if you’re looking for a little more here are some ideas to keep busy at the lake. Don’t forget your camera, you’ll want to add these memories to your photo galleries.

Have a Swimming Race

Depending on the age and swimming ability of those racing determine a course ahead of time. Make sure you have plenty of eyes on the water so that no one is hurt or struggles. Have someone in charge of time keeping and let the games begin! If there are lots of people involved you can even set it up like a round robin tournament.

Sand Castle Building Contest

Kids love to build sand castles but you might be surprised, many adults do too! There’s really no rules needed to building, but you can set some creative ones to make things interesting. Maybe it’s a height requirement or an overall size requirement. Use items found nearby to embellish the creations.

Play Beach Volleyball or Soccer

If there’s room in the sand or nearby grass put together a friendly game of volleyball or soccer. There are plenty of other “beach” games that are available. It’s an easy way to spend some time, be active, and make new friends.

Collect Rocks and Wash Ups

You may not find many seashells washed up on the shores of the lake but you might find other interest things! Bring some containers and let everyone explore to see what they can find. You might do this before the sandcastle building contest so that there are things to decorate with. Be sure not to include any living creatures. If any large things are moved like rocks or driftwood, be sure to put them back when you’re done.

Have an Aquatic Scavenger Hunt

An underwater scavenger hunt? Yes! You’ll need goggles for everyone who wants to play so that they can see both above and below water. Create a list of items to find and have everyone work in at least two person teams so that someone can be in charge of the list of items to find and someone else can be looking for them. Include things that can be seen both above and below water. Take lots of pictures because this memory is sure to be one for your web photo album.

Take a Boat Ride

A summer afternoon cruising the lake in the back of a speed boat – sounds perfect right? Whether it’s a speed boat or a canoe, spending time on the open water is fun for all ages. Many lakes have boat rentals available for a small cost. Canoes, paddle boats and kayaks are the most inexpensive but if you want to splurge a little a speed boat sure is fun!

Whatever your summer adventures have in store keep your camera close by to remember the fun times you had.

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