Tuesday, 23 September 2014

Organizing Your Photos

Most people dislike housework, it is a chore we take on, it’s simply something that must be done. Once it is done though there is nothing better then walking into a beautiful clean home. It may of taken some work but it was well worth the effort. Now when it comes to all our online files and photos it is just the same we want to have it all organized but sometimes it remains in a heap kind of like that one load of laundry that is waiting to be done, that you never seem to have time to get to, so how do you organize your photos?

Pictures used to be something very tangible. In fact many of us have photographic prints still in boxes in our homes that have never gotten into a single photo album. Is that the story in your house? So today many of us have photos that are stored away on our phones, and we are gathering even more photos on a daily basis.

With the onslaught of how easy it is to take a photo with our phones todays many of us have accumulated thousands of photos. But good are they if they sit there?  Are your vacation photos sitting on your phone, how about the photos of that last party you attended? Or your day at the beach? Its easy to have a jumbled mess of photos, just as easy as it is to mess up your home.

The best solution is to organize your photos, an online website photo album offers you the chance to organize your photos. By using an online photo gallery you have a simple place now to organize your photos so they can be shared with those you love, or simply for your own enjoyment.

Six months, a year down the road, or five years you may not remember who was with you at that event you attended so as you upload your photos to your favorite online photo album make sure you are labelling your photos.

Another thing to make sure you do as you organize your photos is delete the excess. How many shots of those toes in the sand or of that sunset do you need? How many would you really want to share?  Get rid of those bad shots and save the best. By deleting photos along the way it makes this process easier and you are not wasting time later. Remember not all those shots deserve to be saved. Be brutal as you begin to organize, you will thank yourself later.

Some people have larger albums and then even sub albums to keep themselves organized. I recommend labelling each album differently. Since it is the summer of 2014 I may have a label: Summer 2014 or Trip to Spain. Remember to keep your titles simple because you will be sharing these hopefully with family and friends.

Once you have your online photo albums organized they are now easy to share in many ways. You can  share them through many social sites, such as Facebook. You can also email them to family members or if you simply want to you can always upload them to a digital photo frame for your viewing pleasure.

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