Thursday, 18 September 2014

Preparing Your Child for College

For many parents, this is the time of year that they start to prepare for their newly graduated student to go off to college. It can be stressful for parents and children. While there’s no way to alleviate all of the worry there are some things you can do to send them off on the right foot.

A lot of time and attention is paid to registering for classes, securing housing, and purchasing items to decorate a dorm or room. All of these things are important but parents can also take time to create something for their children to have after the dust has settled. Spend some time putting together a web photo album your child can pull up when they get homesick – because they will get homesick. Gather some of your favorite pictures and memories and organize them. Write notes and captions that are memories of the time or place. When your child is homesick or just needs a little bit of something familiar this will be an easy way for them to be comforted.

Along with all of the physical preparations for school you also will want to take time to prepare your child mentally for this new change. Different children are at different places of maturity when they prepare to go away to college. Some may be more than ready while others are more apprehensive. Reassure them that everything will be fine and give them solid, honest advice about the situations they may find themselves in. No longer are they under mom and dad’s roof but they are largely on their own and need the knowledge and skills to make the best decisions possible. Most importantly let them know that no matter what you’re still there for them and that they can always call you when they are in need and when they are just missing you a little they can glance at their photo album.

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