Friday, 9 May 2014

Why every parent should have an online photo gallery

Remember the days when your parents had boxes and boxes of printed photographs and negative slides. They likely were a jumble of images in boxes, mixed in with half exposed or the random shot someone took on accident. If the images made it to a photo album it was impressive. Today, we take thousands of pictures yearly. But unless you want your camera or phone to look like those cluttered boxes, you need a place to store and organize your images. This is where an online photo gallery comes into play.

As a parent saving the memories of your children growing up is important. Don’t let the memories fade away! Set up photo galleries for each of your children or group them by event. You can add information describing what happened or other memories related to the images that you don’t want to forget. Some people prefer to print out their favorite images and create physical photo albums. Use your photo gallery as a backup to those hard copies. It can serve the same function as those boxes of negatives in your parents’ attic.

Live far from grandparents and other family members who you would like to share images with, but you don’t want to make all your images public? By having online photo galleries you can display and share the images but only allow access to those people you choose.

As your children get older allowing them to contribute to photo galleries is also a great idea. It will bring a completely new twist to the memories that are preserved. While you might have one memory, they are likely to remember something completely different! It can become a very interactive learning experience. However you choose to use it having an online photo gallery is a must for parents!

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