You’ve just returned from a week-long vacation and once the dust has settled you’re ready to tackle unpacking your suitcase and maybe more importantly, unpacking the pictures you took during your trip. Maybe you’ve already uploaded some of them to your favorite social media service during your trip, but there’s probably plenty more remaining. Instead of creating photo galleries and dumping everything in, take some time to organize your pictures so that looking back in the future, or sharing with friends and family is easier and more enjoyable.
Sort and Purge
One of the benefits of having digital image technology is the number of pictures that can be taken. When film was still in use people were more selective about the pictures that were taken and because film was expensive didn’t take as many pictures. Not only did you have to buy film, but then you had to pay to have the image developed. Today that’s a relic of the past. Before you try to organize your pictures, go through your files and delete any images that lack meaning, are blurry, or you can’t recall what you were even taking a picture of! This should make your organizing task easier.
Next create several photo galleries that are titled based on the overarching theme of the images. For example if you took a cruise maybe one web photo album would be titled “On the Ship,” while another might be, “Day in Mexico,” and so on. Drop the images into the appropriate folder. If you have leftover images that don’t really fit anywhere, a miscellaneous folder or “trip leftover” folder may be advisable.
After you return from a vacation your memories are still fresh. You’ve taken the time to clean up and sort your images, now it’s time to identify them. Go through each image and leave a description. Think about what someone who was not on the trip viewing would want to know, as well as the memories you want to retain. Be as descriptive as possible. Even if you think you’ll never forget the story captured in the image, you likely will! Just like paper photo albums of the past, digital photo albums will exist after you’re gone so recording those stories serves not only as a reminder to you but as a living history testament for future viewers.
Think Ahead
Today you may just be concerned about getting your pictures somewhere that they are saved and recorded. However in a year or two you may want to create a print album or share your album with friends who are considering a trip to a similar place. These are two things you may want to think about as you arrange and label your images. You also may want to take into consideration any privacy concerns you have. If you don’t want your images viewable to everyone make them private.
Taking time to care for and arrange your images in a web photo album ensures their safe keeping for years to come.
Sort and Purge
One of the benefits of having digital image technology is the number of pictures that can be taken. When film was still in use people were more selective about the pictures that were taken and because film was expensive didn’t take as many pictures. Not only did you have to buy film, but then you had to pay to have the image developed. Today that’s a relic of the past. Before you try to organize your pictures, go through your files and delete any images that lack meaning, are blurry, or you can’t recall what you were even taking a picture of! This should make your organizing task easier.
Next create several photo galleries that are titled based on the overarching theme of the images. For example if you took a cruise maybe one web photo album would be titled “On the Ship,” while another might be, “Day in Mexico,” and so on. Drop the images into the appropriate folder. If you have leftover images that don’t really fit anywhere, a miscellaneous folder or “trip leftover” folder may be advisable.
After you return from a vacation your memories are still fresh. You’ve taken the time to clean up and sort your images, now it’s time to identify them. Go through each image and leave a description. Think about what someone who was not on the trip viewing would want to know, as well as the memories you want to retain. Be as descriptive as possible. Even if you think you’ll never forget the story captured in the image, you likely will! Just like paper photo albums of the past, digital photo albums will exist after you’re gone so recording those stories serves not only as a reminder to you but as a living history testament for future viewers.
Think Ahead
Today you may just be concerned about getting your pictures somewhere that they are saved and recorded. However in a year or two you may want to create a print album or share your album with friends who are considering a trip to a similar place. These are two things you may want to think about as you arrange and label your images. You also may want to take into consideration any privacy concerns you have. If you don’t want your images viewable to everyone make them private.
Taking time to care for and arrange your images in a web photo album ensures their safe keeping for years to come.
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