Friday, 23 May 2014

3 Ways Online Photo Galleries Help Keep Your Information Safe

You can’t turn on the news today without hearing about the latest online security breach, and it’s true there are many every single day. But, that doesn’t mean the internet is the new wild, wild west. Technology has made it easier than ever to secure information especially when it relates to providing a safe place to back up important documents and photos. Here are 3 ways online photo galleries can help you keep your information safe.
  1. Photographs. People today rarely print images, but they do have thousands if not millions of images saved on digital devices. But, what happens if the thumb drive is lost, or the hard drive becomes corrupted? Sadly, this happens every day. Instead, upload your images to an online album. No matter where you are, you can pull up and have access to your images. 
  2. Important Documents. Not all documents belong online, but items like copies of diplomas, transcripts, etc can easily be storied in an online photo gallery. When you’re applying for a new job or need to provide a copy of these documents you’ll know where to look! 
  3. Natural Disasters. What happens when a tornado rips through town or your basement is flooded by an encroaching river? All of the paper photographs and documents you had been saving are blown away or destroyed. But, if you had backed them up with an online web photo album you would have a way to recover them. 
Everyone should continue to take precautions and spend time researching the right company to host their galleries. Be sure to find out what their privacy policy is and how often their servers are backed up. If you feel uncomfortable with their answers, then keep looking. Your information is important and any company you work with should feel a responsibility to keep this information protected as well. 

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