Tuesday 1 April 2014

Go Visual with facebook

Want to make an impact online? Start using images. People are awash in words online. Status updates, blog posts, notifications from various apps or services. It gets so you just stop reading. Even short and sweet quotes aren't make it through the natural filters that we developed. The important things look just like all of the junk. It is nearly impossible to get people to notice even if they are close friends.

They aren't doing it intentionally. So making a little effort to help them out is worth it. People are strongly attracted to visual presentations. Just watch most toddlers when the TV is turned. They can't help themselves. They stare at the screen and drool.

The same thing can be said when you walk through the television section at a store on the weekend. Except it isn't just toddlers with the drool staring at the big screens, they are a little older but the point is the same. That is why those bus shelter and bench ads actually get noticed. Even better if the background picture catches your attention.

You have something important to say? They take advantage of our unavoidable draw to images. Once you have the images, sharing can be easy with a website photo album. By loading your pictures up to a catalogue online you don't worry about things like hosting and access. That will be taken care for you. You can link to your pictures from many places instead of uploading the same image every time.

It also a way to organize all your images together. Typically people become messy with their computer files. A cluttered desktop or just one big folder full of every picture ever taken is a nightmare for finding what you want. Setting things up online is a good way to get organized. As you upload images you can take the time to put them in the right place to make life easier when it is time to find them again. You can also make sure you are only uploading the important things instead of every accidental pocket snap.

Don't let the term web photo album put you off either. As far as the internet is concerned, a picture of your kids and a image with text are the same thing. They are both stored as the same image file type and can be share in all the same ways. If you are interested in sharing snapshots of your kitten being cute the internet will love you with or without captions.

There may be more important things than kitten pictures and things you want people to notice. Creating a photo album for your important ideas is not something that requires a deep technical background. Pretty much if you can take a picture with you phone and email, you will be able to create an online sanctuary for your images. Matching the right image to the right message will tap your creative flare and will take some time to get right. Once you have those lined up, the share part will be easy.

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