Tuesday 23 September 2014

Making Money on Stock Image Sites

Selling stock images is a great way to make use of unused images in your online photo galleries that are just taking up space. You can make a nice chunk of money if you get your work out into the marketplace.

As a photographer, you will make more money if your photos are leased as opposed to being sold. A one-time sale can be really tempting, especially if it’s a big sum but the lease will provide a continuous source of income off of that one photograph. It can make sense to diversify your income by leasing some images and selling others through a lease arrangement. Both arrangements have positives and negatives and it will really depend on your goals and needs.

To begin making money in stock images, start researching current stock photography sites. Find one that offers the leasing option to customers and also has an easy-to-navigate site. This is an easy way to start testing the waters with your work. Don’t empty all of your web photo album images immediately. Start small, learn the ropes, and then work your way up.

To figure out what will sell, look at other stock photographs that are selling. What do they have in common? Are the pictures clear? Can you make out all of the features of the photo? What qualities are people looking for? This can be difficult because every buyer is looking for something different.

Don’t forget stock photography companies are out to make money too. Don’t be afraid to try some new ideas for pictures. You’ll receive feedback on what does or doesn’t sell either from the company you’re selling through or through your sales figures.

To better market your work create a website with links to the stock photography sites featuring your work. This will send more people to your work.

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