Tuesday, 12 August 2014

Tips for Capturing Motion Shots

One of the most difficult images to catch is of people and things in motion. From sporting events to race car events and everything in between, no one wants to end up with photo galleries full of blurry images. It’s not a secret that you’ll need to practice to get the pictures you want but with some effort you’ll fill your album in no time.

1. Focus elsewhere. Don’t’ just focus on the action at hand. For example instead of focusing on the action of running, move your focus to the expression on the runner’s face, or a glimpse at another racer over the shoulder. Get creative and look for ways to capture the moment without needing to directly capture the motion at hand.
2. Shoot close. If you have a long lens it will be helpful in situations where you don’t have direct, close access. The closer you can get the better your images will be.
3. Rapid Shooting. Most cameras have settings that will take multiple pictures over a period of time. Set your camera on a tripod, and anticipate where the shot will go and set it to rapid shot. You won’t use all the images but you’ll have a better chance at capturing one!
4. Shoot wide. Just like shooting close brings emotion into the photograph, shooting wide expands the focus and brings in a different feel. Having a broad view can also help your viewers get a feel for the overall environment.
5. Angle. Adjust the angle you’re shooting from. Instead of straight on try shooting up or shooting down.

Not everyone will have a great web photo album full of action shots but when you work on some of these techniques and use a little creativity and innovation you’ll be on your way to live action success! 

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